Professional Tap  Training

August 5th to 24th 2024, Vienna

Three weeks of professional tap dance training, coaching and practice with Thomas Marek.

Three weeks of professional tap dance training, coaching and practice.

From August 5th to 24th Thomas Marek's Professional Tap Training  takes  place in Vienna, Austria for the first time. The program consists of 3 weeks of intensive tap dance and music training and is coached by Thomas Marek and his team.

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Tap Dance is music and music is a language.

This 3-week tap dance training is aimed at ambitious amateurs, professional performers and dance teachers who want to deepen and professionalize their skills and knowledge in tap dance, jazz and music. 
The main focus of this program is about tap dance being a percussive musical instrument. For a period of 3 weeks we dive deep into the musical world of tap dance by exploring the possibilities of sound, touch, rhythm and tonality.

More about Thomas Marek's body of work:

August 5th to 10th | 9h-16h
(Total hours: approx. 36)

Improve your technique and therefore develop a better touch, sound and accuracy. We will work on our mechanics, phrasing, dynamics and articulation. 
Learn to control your instrument and musical output.

with Thomas Marek (tap & drums) & Nikolai Kemeny (tap)

August 12th to 17th / 9h-16h
(Total hours:  approx. 36)

In week 2 we focus on strengthening our musical understanding and develop our musical interplay. 
It's all about jazz and how to navigate the music. Combining our refined tap technique with musical taste and understanding.

with Thomas Marek (tap & drums) & Philipp Moosbrugger (bass)

August 19th to 24th / 9h-16h
(Total hours:  approx. 36)

The third week is focused on the art of improvisation. 
We will work on principles of improvisation in music, jazz and tap dance and apply them to our soloing. 
The goal is to tell more exciting and musical stories with our feet. 

with Thomas Marek & Band (Trio)

All three weeks we will be working with live music.

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Cost and registration

The training program will take place at Daphne's Studio, Schlossgasse 15, 1050 Vienna.

The maximum number of participants is 8 students.

The total cost for all 3 weeks is: €1800.-
It is also possible to register for one week only. The fee for one week is: €750

 To register please downlaod the following application